Welcome to my site! Thanks for checking it out. This site was a way to learn Gatsby and to make my personal mark on the web after spending years making companies’ marks on the web for them. By the way, check out my awesome work.
Custom web development from the wilds of Montana.
Welcome to my site! Thanks for checking it out. This site was a way to learn Gatsby and to make my personal mark on the web after spending years making companies’ marks on the web for them. By the way, check out my awesome work.
In the early days I designed and built apps in PHP. Once we shifted to Node, we used Sails as a back end (pro tip: don’t use Sails) and AngularJS as a front end.
In addition to company work, I also host websites. I only have a couple right now, but I’m always happy to add more!
My name is Michael Bennett. I’m a firm Christian, dedicated husband, and proud father to two adorable kids. I’m also a mostly-JavaScript programmer, although I’ve used PHP enough to appreciate (and, sometimes, bemoan) its quirks, too. I live in Montana, which is gorgeous, if a little lacking in web developers - I’m trying to do my part to increase the ratio!